The Physicist

17 Articles

Fibre Optics

Optical fibres utilise optical refraction to transmit light along the core of

The Physicist The Physicist

Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan was an American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, educator and populariser

The Physicist The Physicist

Electricity & Lightning

Electricity is an electric current which may or may not be used

The Physicist The Physicist

Nuclear Electricity Generation

The electricity output from nuclear power generation varies across the World, with

The Physicist The Physicist

Electric Generator

An electric generator converts kinetic energy (mechanical movement) to electrical energy. The

The Physicist The Physicist

Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights)

Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) are a visible glow in the northern sky

The Physicist The Physicist

Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei join to

The Physicist The Physicist

Nuclear Fission

Nuclear power stations typically work by the fission of enriched uranium into

The Physicist The Physicist


Sunspots are “Earth sized” cooler spots on the surface of the visible

The Physicist The Physicist

ALMA – operational March 2013

The Atacama Large Millimetre / Sub-Millimetre Array (ALMA – Spanish for “soul”)

The Physicist The Physicist